Party Ideology
IUP is a 21st century Single issue: Economic reforms ideology party in Kenya whose symbol is "Power Lines on A Post" indicting seamless connectivity in solving the economic problems facing Kenyans, however for success to be realized there is need for the citizens to get involved, hence our slogan Inatuhusu a clarion call to the citizens to be courageous frontline actors in Kenya development agenda.
Our History
The founder members being parents and people in business were concerned about the rate of unemployment in the country even after sacrificing so much in educating their children no jobs were in sight. Additionally, the founder members are ordinary businessmen and women whose businesses have been greatly affected by the slow economic growth land lack of money circulation in the economy coupled with, lack of accessibility to credit that is much desired in boosting the business has increasingly become a tall order in addition to high taxation. Similarly, Kenyans have failed to reconcile the fact that elected and appointed politicians have the mandate to implement and influence policies that affect their day to day lives. Politicians’ role is not to give handouts or welfare but to influence policies that make life easier for the ordinary Kenyan so that they can prosper in their respective spaces. Hence, the founder members agreed that the only way to influence the economic policy in Kenya was to get involved in politics through a political party (Imarisha Uchumi Party) that will bring together like-minded Kenyans who desire an economically prosperous Kenya.