Composition of the National Elections Board
There shall be a board to be known as the IUP National Elections Board, which shall be
a standing committee of the Party;
The members Board shall be appointed by the Party Leader on the recommendation of
NEC from amongst Members of the Party and will comprise 9 persons of high integrity,
who do not hold any elective position and who shall be persons knowledgeable in
matters of elections;
The Board composition shall be guided by the Party constitution in taking in to account
the two thirds gender rule. The Board shall be headed by;
Deputy chairperson
The Director of Elections as ex-officio and the Secretary to the board.
Six ordinary members
At least one third of the members of the board shall be of the opposite gender.
The members of the National Election Board shall hold office for a period of five years renewable once.
At the first meeting of the National Elections Board convened by National Executive
Council, the Board members shall elect a Chairperson, a Vice Chairperson who shall be
of a gender opposite to that of the Chairperson and a Secretary from among themselves..
Whenever the chairperson is absent, members of NEB shall elect from amongst
themselves a member to act as the chairperson and exercise the powers and
responsibilities of the chairperson